Beth Intro

Meet Beth Intro, owner and photographer for Beth Intro Photography and a fabulous elementary school teacher at Atlanta Jewish Academy!


Question Answer
Tell us about yourself. I am a native of Atlanta. I grew up off of Briarcliff Road in the Northlake Mall area and lived here most of my life. I have two teenage daughters one of which just started college, have been a teacher for 25 years, and a photographer for 15 years.
How long have you lived in Brookhaven? I’ve lived in Brookhaven for seven years and I love it! We wanted to have that feel that you can know your neighbors, walk to restaurants and stores, and be outside as much as possible. Brookhaven gives us this and more.
What inspired you or led you to your current career? I’ve always loved children and teaching is my passion. In fact, I went to a life coach because I was considering leaving teaching, but my answers confirmed that teaching is what I should do and what I wanted to do. My Photography thrills and excites me, and I love to meet people and watch families grow.
What is your favorite restaurant in Brookhaven? I love the pizza at Avellinos. They have such a great neighborhood feel and I love how I am greeted when I walk in.
Who is the most interesting person you’ve met here in Brookhaven? My neighbor Stephanie Elliot. She is one of those people who knows and connects with everyone, no matter who that person may be. She does a great job of connecting others together as well. To top it off, she is hilarious!
If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be? I want to go back as a photographer to Jerusalem or Italy. I love how those cities make me feel, and as a photographer, I just imagine how wonderful the lighting must be.
What is your favorite movie? Life is Beautiful.
What is your favorite music/band? Music is very important to me and I like everything except heavy metal. My go to is the Tedeschi Trucks Band, and I love singer songwriters.
Favorite show to binge watch? Dead to Me.
What is something on your bucket list? I want to take a picture of giraffes running in Africa!
What store do you most frequent in Brookhaven? I loved going to Sugarboo. It was such a beautiful store.
What is your favorite thing or something unique about Brookhaven? Brookhaven is a great place to bike ride and I love all the greenery.
What is something interesting that most people don’t know about you? I am a full introvert and I would think the majority of people that know me wouldn’t think that is possible.
What three words or phrases come to mind when you think of the word home? My kids, safety and cozy.
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